The Republican County Chairmen's Association is Dedicated to electing all Republican candidates up-and-down the ballot to preserve the Constitutional Republic envisioned by our forefathers who fought and died for the great generations of Americans who preceded us and will follow.
The Republican County Chairmen’s Association of Illinois (RCCA) actively works with Republican County Chairmen and their Precinct Committeemen providing support for local organizing effort in preparation for upcoming elections.
It continues to be our hope that the RCCA take a leadership Role in the Structural “grass-roots” organizing efforts that need to be established at the county level for more conservative candidates to be successful, able to implement policies that more readily reflect the values of those we represent.
Please take a look and see what services and resources we may be able to provide to your local Republican Organizations. We also need your active participation to help keep Republicans involved throughout Illinois. Please let us know by sending us a notification of any Republican Party or candidate event in your county as we plan to post it to our website and Facebook page. Additionally, photographs are welcome as well from most recently held events for posting to website and fb for all RCCA members to view. Help us to help you!
For God Hath Not Given to Us the Spirit of Fear but of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind - II Timothy 1:7
Rhonda Belford, President
Republican County Chairmen’s Association of Illinois
How Can We Help?
Red waves don't just happen. We can earn them by working together. Please contact us to let us know how we can help your county organization.
We have a lot of work to do and we cannot do it alone. Can we count on YOU to step up? Please encourage loyal Republicans to help support the RCCA by contributing today!
Our Leadership
From the state level to the precinct level, Republicans are working hard to ensure that our values are represented at all levels of government. Get to know our team.